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Clipboard copy

The clipboard copy component is used when you want to copy a line or a block of text to the clipboard to paste it into another location. This is useful for copying system generated key values, for example, to both reduce user effort and the occurrence of entry errors.

ExamplesDocumentationCSS Variables





This is an editable version of the Copy to Clipboard Component that has an expandable section. Got a lot of text here, need to see all of it? Click that arrow on the left side and check out the resulting expansion.


This is an editable version of the Copy to Clipboard Component that has an expandable section. Got a lot of text here, need to see all of it? Click that arrow on the left side and check out the resulting expansion.



AttributeApplied toOutcome
aria-label="Copy to clipboard", aria-label="Show content" an accessible name for the button when an icon is used instead of text. Required when an icon is used with no supporting text.
aria-label="[input label text]".pf-c-form-controlProvides an accessible label for the input. Provide a label that describes the contents in the input. Required
aria-hidden="true"<i>Hides the icon from assistive technologies.
aria-controls="[id of expandable element]" the element controlled by the toggle button. Required that the expandable content is hidden so that it isn't visible in the UI and isn't accessed by assistive technologies.
aria-labelledby="[id of button] [id of input label]" an accessible name that is unique and communicates context of the button. Required when more than one ClipboardCopy component exists on the page. Important: If the label is defined on the <input> using aria-label, then use the id of the <input>. If the label is defined in a <label>, then use the id of the <label>. Alternatively this attribute can be ignored if the text input label is defined as part of the value in aria-label.


ClassApplied toOutcome
.pf-c-clipboard-copy<div>Initiates a clipboard copy component. Required
.pf-c-clipboard-copy__group<div>Initiates a wrapper for the clipboard copy group. Required
.pf-c-clipboard-copy__toggle-icon<div>Initiates a toggle button icon.
.pf-c-clipboard-copy__expandable-content<div>Initiates an expandable element. the clipboard copy component for the expanded state. the control toggle button for the expanded state.

CSS Variables

.2s ease-in 0s
calc(-1 * 0.25rem)