The title component applies top and bottom margins, font-weight, font-size, and line-height to titles.
ExamplesPropsCSS VariablesExamples
4xl Title
3xl Title
2xl Title
xl Title
lg Title
md Title
Default size mappings
h1 default to 2xl
h2 defaults to xl
h3 defaults to lg
h4 defaults to md
h5 defaults to md
h6 defaults to md
Title propertiesName | Type | Required | Default | Description |
size | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl' | '2xl' | '3xl' | '4xl' | No | headingLevelSizeMap[HeadingLevel] | The size of the Title |
children | React.ReactNode | No | '' | Content rendered inside the Title |
className | string | No | '' | Additional classes added to the Title |
headingLevel | 'h1' | 'h2' | 'h3' | 'h4' | 'h5' | 'h6' | Yes | | The heading level to use |
CSS Variables
| | | | |
| .pf-c-title | --pf-c-title--FontFamily | | "overpass", overpass, "open sans", -apple-system, blinkmacsystemfont, "Segoe UI", roboto, "Helvetica Neue", arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol" |
--pf-c-title--FontFamily --pf-global--FontFamily--heading--sans-serif $pf-global--FontFamily--heading--sans-serif $pf-global--FontFamily--sans-serif "overpass", overpass, "open sans", -apple-system, blinkmacsystemfont, "Segoe UI", roboto, "Helvetica Neue", arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol" |
| .pf-c-title | --pf-c-title--m-4xl--LineHeight | | |
--pf-c-title--m-4xl--LineHeight --pf-global--LineHeight--sm $pf-global--LineHeight--sm |
| .pf-c-title | --pf-c-title--m-4xl--FontSize | | |
--pf-c-title--m-4xl--FontSize --pf-global--FontSize--4xl $pf-global--FontSize--4xl |
| .pf-c-title | --pf-c-title--m-4xl--FontWeight | | |
--pf-c-title--m-4xl--FontWeight --pf-global--FontWeight--normal $pf-global--FontWeight--normal |
| .pf-c-title | --pf-c-title--m-3xl--LineHeight | | |
--pf-c-title--m-3xl--LineHeight --pf-global--LineHeight--sm $pf-global--LineHeight--sm |
| .pf-c-title | --pf-c-title--m-3xl--FontSize | | |
--pf-c-title--m-3xl--FontSize --pf-global--FontSize--3xl $pf-global--FontSize--3xl |
| .pf-c-title | --pf-c-title--m-3xl--FontWeight | | |
--pf-c-title--m-3xl--FontWeight --pf-global--FontWeight--normal $pf-global--FontWeight--normal |
| .pf-c-title | --pf-c-title--m-2xl--LineHeight | | |
--pf-c-title--m-2xl--LineHeight --pf-global--LineHeight--sm $pf-global--LineHeight--sm |
| .pf-c-title | --pf-c-title--m-2xl--FontSize | | |
--pf-c-title--m-2xl--FontSize --pf-global--FontSize--2xl $pf-global--FontSize--2xl |
| .pf-c-title | --pf-c-title--m-2xl--FontWeight | | |
--pf-c-title--m-2xl--FontWeight --pf-global--FontWeight--normal $pf-global--FontWeight--normal |
| .pf-c-title | --pf-c-title--m-xl--LineHeight | | |
--pf-c-title--m-xl--LineHeight --pf-global--LineHeight--md $pf-global--LineHeight--md |
| .pf-c-title | --pf-c-title--m-xl--FontSize | | |
--pf-c-title--m-xl--FontSize --pf-global--FontSize--xl |
| .pf-c-title | --pf-c-title--m-xl--FontWeight | | |
--pf-c-title--m-xl--FontWeight --pf-global--FontWeight--normal $pf-global--FontWeight--normal |
| .pf-c-title | --pf-c-title--m-lg--LineHeight | | |
--pf-c-title--m-lg--LineHeight --pf-global--LineHeight--md $pf-global--LineHeight--md |
| .pf-c-title | --pf-c-title--m-lg--FontSize | | |
--pf-c-title--m-lg--FontSize --pf-global--FontSize--lg |
| .pf-c-title | --pf-c-title--m-lg--FontWeight | | |
--pf-c-title--m-lg--FontWeight --pf-global--FontWeight--semi-bold $pf-global--FontWeight--semi-bold |
| .pf-c-title | --pf-c-title--m-md--LineHeight | | |
--pf-c-title--m-md--LineHeight --pf-global--LineHeight--md $pf-global--LineHeight--md |
| .pf-c-title | --pf-c-title--m-md--FontSize | | |
--pf-c-title--m-md--FontSize --pf-global--FontSize--md |
| .pf-c-title | --pf-c-title--m-md--FontWeight | | |
--pf-c-title--m-md--FontWeight --pf-global--FontWeight--semi-bold $pf-global--FontWeight--semi-bold |
| .pf-m-redhat-font .pf-c-title | --pf-c-title--m-lg--FontWeight | | |
--pf-c-title--m-lg--FontWeight --pf-global--FontWeight--normal $pf-global--FontWeight--normal |
| .pf-m-redhat-font .pf-c-title | --pf-c-title--m-md--FontWeight | | |
--pf-c-title--m-md--FontWeight --pf-global--FontWeight--normal $pf-global--FontWeight--normal |